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Monday, January 29, 2024

The Pet Store Window, written by Jairo Buitrago and illustrated by Rafael Yockteng. Translated by Elisa Amado. Groundwood Books, 2023. $19.99 ages 5 and up


"The four of them watched life go by 
outside the store's window. 

The dog looked at Ana and asked,
"Why do all those dogs live outside 
and have someone to love?"

But Ana didn't answer. 

Maybe because she didn't speak 
dog language, or maybe because 
she didn't want to make him sad.

Before the book begins, readers will see a person finding a lone dog in a box under cement stairs. As she carries it away, the dog gives her face a lick and looks forward with interest. That dog now lives in the pet store where Ana works. Time passes; the two become fast friends. 

The pet store houses three animals: the dog, a hedgehog, and a mouse. They are happy together. They watch out the window ats people passing by. Ana leaves every day at 5 to go home to her grandmother, with whom she lives. The dog misses Ana when she is not there, and wonders what she does when she leaves and why he has been in the same place for so long. 

When the owner announces that the pet store will soon close, Ana worries about the three animals that remain. No one chooses them. The dog remembers others who lived there, and are now gone. Why is he still there? Ana, with her good heart, takes all three animals with her when she closes the door for the last time. Home the four go to live with Ana and her grandmother. Both are pleased to have their company. 

Sympathetic and caring, this is a story that will impress readers whose love for animals is strong. 

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