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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Big Bang and Other Farts: A Blast Through the Past, written by Daisy Bird and illustrated by Marianna Coppo. tundra, Penguin Random House. 2023. $24.99 ages 4 and up

"We're getting closer to life today, but there are
still thousands of years to go. 

Here in the Ice Age, there are huge glaciers
everywhere, and everything is covered
in ice and snow. 


The showing of the documentary begins with popcorn and an impressed father rat, who thinks he is going to learn about history and its many important events. The children are not impressed, until the farting commences. While Dad thinks the big bang was first, the kids are quick to call it THE BIG FART! Let the merriment begin. 

A fart might even explain why sea creatures all moved to dry land. Up until now, no one really knew why they did that. The program moves from dinosaurs to the ice age, from Ancient Egypt (those camels and their farting!) and the loss of the Sphinx's nose, to Viking warriors and their search for home. Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa loses her smile thinking about a fart she just let go while sitting for her portrait. 

Father Rat is disturbed by the presentation.  

"This is ridiculous! 
History is not just one fart
after another!

Oh, please can we watch for just 
a little bit longer? Look, here 
comes your favorite scientist!

It even happens to Sir Isaac Newton, when a bird in the apple tree toots and causes all the apples to fall from the tree, hitting the scientist on top of his head. Aha! Gravity! Dad is done until he leans over to pick up the remote and lets one rip himself ... thus proving powerful farts can have an instant effect.

A welcome follow-up for those who loved Whose Poo? (tundra, 2021). There's also a great deal of fun for readers in artwork created with gouache. You know the kids who will guffaw with regularity and provide their own version of the sound effects needed for any read aloud session.  

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