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Monday, November 16, 2020

STARCROSSED, written and illustrated by Julia Denos. Houghton MIfflin Harcourt, Raincoast. 2021. $24.99 ages


"Acamar was too busy to answer her - he was
watching his blood and bones appear. He was
watching the rivers and sands grow wider, the 
lights of Eridani's city grow warmer, and the 
window where she slept grow closer and closer.

Oh, what a wonder this book is to read. In a tale of otherworldly friendship, we meet a human girl. Eridani is a student of the night sky. Her best friend is Acamar. Acamar is one of the constellations she so admires. Eridani loves to work on school projects that require close study of sky maps and star plots. 
The two best friends speak with each other every evening - when school is done and the sky is dark enough for Acamar to be seen. They share conversation about each other's day. Eri has questions about Acamar's home, and he has equally pertinent questions about hers. 

Eri realizes that no matter what she learns, she will never know what it is like to be in the sky - to be the same as Acamar. She wishes that she might trade him places. While Eridani is wishing to be where he is, Acamar is yearning to feel his feet on the ground where Eridani lives. Their love and concern for each other has them realizing that Acamar will never see a sunset, and Eridani will never know what it is like to fly. 

One night, Acamar suggests his friend make a wish upon him. She does, and he does the same. It works. Eridani's bones dissolve and her body fills with light. Acamar watches blood and bones appear and lands with a BOOM! Eridani takes her place as a new constellation where Acamar had been. The special connection remains between the two, despite their reversal in roles. 

The textured illustrations are energetic and magnificent! The tale is told with wonder, and love. An author's note describes Acamar as a star in the constellation Eridanus. She also provides a list of  resources for those keen to learn more. So worth your attention! 

Might we meet them again? One can only hope so.                                                               

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