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Monday, March 10, 2025

Hugs Are (Not) for Everybody, written by Ella Russell and illustrated by Udayana Lugo. Owlkids, 2025. $22.95 ages 4 and up


"Hugs are for friends we 
haven't seen in a while. 

- Hello! 

- How's it going? 

- Nice to see you! 

I prefer to wave. 

I am a hugger: not everyone is. A birthday invitation gathers a happy group of young friends to celebrate. It is a huggy happening because, apparently, hugs are for everyone. Not so for the little girl in the unicorn headgear. The guests greet each other with big smiles, warm welcomes, and hugs all around. As one especially exuberant child moves from person to person offering those tight hugs, she is met with a preference for a wave from that quiet child. 

The list of reasons for hugging is explored in a series of colorful illustrations. As readers watch the hugging enthusiast also approach the birthday girl, she learns a lesson that is worth knowing. Not everyone loves to hug. The guests line up, holding signs, that make the feeling well known. 


That leads to taking a stab at a secret birthday handshake that can be used by all. It will end with a magic trick and a disappearing bunny. It is evident that the bunny wants nothing to do with that trick: no disappearing for him. It's the birthday girl to the rescue, with a perfect ending for their secret handshake! 

This is a lovely reminder that 'all we have to do is ask' in uncomfortable situations. Make your feelings known. It's important for young children to talk about social interactions. This is a lively read-aloud for them. They will be pleased to observe the many details included in charming artwork. 

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