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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Clever Crow, written by Chris Butterworth and illustrated by Olivia Lomenech Gill. Candlewick Press, Penguin Random House. 2024. $24.99 ages 6 and up


"And crows are not
fancy fliers - 
they don't zoom like arrows
or soar like kites. 
Crows just flap steadily on. 

Ravens are the 
biggest crows
and the acrobats
of the crow family. 
They can even 
fly upside down.

The more I learn about crows, the more fascinated I become. Even though there are a few that infuriate me with their noise in the early mornings, I can't help but remember what I have read about them, or have seen in documentaries that talk about their many habits and how smart they really are. 

This book that recognizes various members of the corvid family is filled with delightful observations that are sure to entertain a young audience. The winning design uses variety in type size to garner attention, while presenting a most interesting look at the many attributes that make these birds stand out from others. They are clever, they appear to be thinking, they can problem-solve and use tools with a master's touch. There is much to learn about them; the author encourages readers to take the time to learn more. 

They live in many parts of the world in diverse habitats, and there is much written about them. This makes research easier for those who are fascinated by what they learn here. Their family has more than '100 different kinds of birds'. In the end, Ms. Butterworth makes a comparison between her subject and her readers. 

"But crows are smart, 
clever, crafty, 
and playful ... 

just like you!"

If the facts as presented are not enough, let's consider the impressive artwork done in mixed media. Collaged backgrounds appeal at every turn of the page, showing visual styles that inform and intrigue. Taking time to closely observe the many details will certainly encourage discussion for what is being shown. The front and back endpapers simply add to the charm of a book that is a wondrous addition to any library ... home, classroom, or public. 

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