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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Enough Is ... Written by Jessica Whipple and illustrated by Nicole Wong. Tilbury House, Firefly. 2023. $25.99 ages 6 and up


"Enough breakfast might be a waffle 
without strawberries because someone
else needs the berries more than you do.

In this world we live in, where too many people are barely able to provide food for their families and meet their other needs while others spend untold amounts of their money on frivolous, expensive items that have no lasting impact for themselves or their families, we need to stop and ask ourselves: when is enough ENOUGH? 

Our kids need to learn to answer that question for their own lives, as they deal with so much social media and peer pressure to fit in with others and have what others have. It is vitally important to be able to take the time to really consider how much any of us need. Can you have too many clothes? Too many toys? Too many books before bed? Too much food?  I could go and on ... and I am sure you would have much to add to the conversation. 

"Somewhere between a little and a lot, there is Enough. 
It might be hard to spot, but it's always there.

It is a tough concept for adults, as it is for the little girl whose mother is helping her understand the difference between what she wants and what she needs. It is hard to understand when you see so many others with what you think you need. If time is taken and thought is given, it eventually becomes clearer. Enough isn't a number. As the words explain what enough really is, the girl's awareness and her happiness grow as she learns the value of sharing what she has, when she has enough. 

What a concept! The warmth displayed in the illustrations perfectly match the tone of Ms. Whipple's gentle text. Young children will be very interested in taking close looks at the various scenes. The older the reader gets, the more thought-provoking it becomes. Imagine the discussion! 

When will you reach your limit?

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