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Sunday, December 3, 2023

The North Wind and the Sun, by Philip Stead. Neal Porter Books, Holiday House. Penguin Random House, 2023. $24.99 ages 4 and up

"The three sisters huddled 

They closed their eyes, and 
in the North Wind's howl 
they heard only - 

"Lies," said the first. 

"Spitefulness," said the second. 

"Mockery," said the third."

This absolutely glowing retelling of Aesop's fable about the conflict between the North Wind and the Sun will be thoroughly enjoyed by those who have already heard it, and by those who are brand new to its lesson. 

Three aging sisters and their black dog can hear the coming of a new season, and make the decision to get outside for a walk before it is too cold to do so. They dress in patchwork coats of yellow, blue, and red (with striped socks to match). A vertical view at the page turn for the next page shows them leaving their house in bright sunshine. The Sun is very pleased to see them there.

A quick turn to the opposite side shows the North Wind is not in any way enamored of their patchwork coats or the ability they have to protect the sisters. He laughs to think about it. The sisters watch as birds depart for warmer climes, in hopes of avoiding the chilly air that is sure to come. 

The Sun is impressed with the North Wind's bravado; but, doesn't want him to forget that she is also strong. So, begins a contest between the two. The wind does what the wind is capable of doing. The sisters stand their ground. The North Wind continues to roar at anything and everyone in his path. The sisters feel only pity for his loneliness and rage. They continue to hold tightly to their coats. 

Once the wind has exhausted himself, the Sun decides what she does best. She radiates her warmth upon the earth, awakening flora and fauna, and old women and old men around the world. And the sisters?

"The three sisters shed their coats. They sat down upon them, and listened to the hum of life all 
around. Memories began to unspool like brightly colored thread.

Thanking the sun for its kindness, they head back home to mend their coats and prepare for the coming winter.  

Fans will recognize Mr. Stead's colored pencils and printing techniques ... so beautifully created to tell this story of two feuding and starkly disparate entities. The elegance of his word choice, combined with the stellar illustrations ensure that this is a book to be shared countless times. It is a 'keeper'.                                                                                      

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