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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Little Green Envelope, written by Gillian Sze and illustrated by Claudine Crangle. Groundwood, 2023. $19.99 ages 5 and up


"The little green envelope liked hearing
stories about their journeys: some by boat, 
crossing a wide blue sea, others by plane, 
crossing a wide blue sky.
More and more the little green envelope
longed to set off.

Olive is not her usual happy self when she arrives at her grandfather's house for their weekly Sunday visit. Her loud sighing, gray mood, and lack of interest in their usual pursuits signals a dilemma.  

"Whispers were sent from the lamp to the books
to the clock and on and on until every teaspoon
and page learned the reason: 

Olive's friend had moved away."

Grandpa makes a suggestion; perhaps Olive can send a letter to her friend. As luck would have it, a little green envelope hears their conversation. That envelope knows the sadness of watching legions of other envelopes leave the shelf that is its home. Just as Olive wishes she could visit her friend so far away, the envelope's wish for travel never diminishes. Advice from others assure that the envelope's turn is coming. 

Hope returns as Grandpa reaches for an envelope. ... a white one! Hope fades. Olive has a better idea. Her penchant for color wins out; the green envelope is her choice! First, the mailbox and then any number of hands help the tiny missive makes its way from Olive's house to exactly where it is supposed to be. What joy it finds as its journey ends! 

Artwork is a combination of paper construction and printmaking techniques, and provides endless interest for those reading this book. Details in the writing materials that grace its pages assure attention and interest. Emotions of the child and the envelope are evident throughout the telling.   

 The book ends with a diagram for making your own envelope.                                                                         

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