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Friday, September 1, 2023

Hooked on Books, written by Margaret Chiu Greanias and illustrated by Kristyna Litten. Peachtree, Penguin Random House. 2023. $24.99 ages 4 and up


"REALLY? What's a fish got to do for 
peace and quiet?

Pearl hung signs, hid beneath seaweed, 
and even holed up in a shipwreck. 
But no matter how hard she tried,
she couldn't escape the tsunami of 


You would think if you lived in the 'deep, dark sea', you should be able find a peaceful spot for reading, if that is what you love to do. It is exactly what Pearl the anglerfish aches to do. She finally has a copy of the book she has been longing to read. She has only just begun when snails slide onto the book. Pearl is quick to send them on their way. Now, for that book! 

As she settles, she is swarmed by shrimp, and an unwanted host of various sea creatures. Although her little lure light is shining, Pearl is surrounded and has no chance to read on her own. Finally, angry at the constant pursuit, she swims deeper into the quiet of the ocean depths - perfection! Only then do comb jellies with their bright lights and strange song make an appearance. 

Pearl has not yet gone deep enough. Down she goes again. Even the deep cold of the midnight zone is not sufficient; yeti crabs discover her light and use it for their dance. No! Pearl sinks down until there is nowhere else for her to go. Finally, in the 'calm of the abyssal zone', Pearl finds the perfect place to be alone. She is in her happy place, indeed! 

Once the book is read, she finds herself with no one to tell about it.  Pearl returns from the depths with an idea that seems to entice her many friends. 

In playful mixed media artwork, Ms. Litten creates an undersea world filled with fascinating creatures and an attractive watery environment awash in light and darkness.

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