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Thursday, April 13, 2023

Why Are We Afraid, written by Fran Pintadera and illustrated by Ana Sender. Kids Can Press, 2023. $21.99 ages 4 and up


"We can be afraid of feeling lonely
or of being alone. People need people. 
Being around others can warm us 
like a fire.

A thunderstorm and the resulting power outage provide the perfect backdrop for a father-son conversation about fear. In candlelight, the boy asks if his dad has ever been afraid. Dad is quick to clarify that fear is a universal emotion, felt by everyone at one time or another. He also explains that fears flood the room in an instant. 

He goes on to name some of the many things that evoke fear in different people. With each type of fear mentioned, Max visualizes a place where that fear might release its power ... In the unknown, in shadows, in loud words. Sometimes loneliness can cause a person to be fearful. Or, fear of what might  happen. 

"We're afraid because 
we can't control 
the future. There's a 
tall door hiding what's 
ahead, and we're not 
sure we want to open it.

This a companion book to Why Do We Cry? (2020), and deals with fear as effectively as they did with sadness. It is a book that encourages discussion, and is reassuring for those young children still finding their way in the world while dealing with what scares them. For Max, the glow from the streetlights that happens when power is restored, leaves him enjoying the lack of light in their house. He thinks the semi-darkness is just right for storytelling. Will thsoe stories be scary? 

In added information at the end of the book, readers are provided with an explanation of fear, its types, its lessons, what masks it, and why it can be appealing. Activities are also presented through questions, and the awakening of personal experiences. 

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