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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Sometimes I Feel Like a River, written by Danielle Daniel and illustrated by Josee Bisaillon. Groundwood Books, 2023. $18.99 ages 4 and up

"Sometimes I feel like the rain, 
cool and most refreshing. 
I sprinkle, I drizzle, I drop, 
helping everything grow.

In a collection of poems written for younger readers, Ms. Daniel encourages them to think in wonder about the natural world that surrounds us. Too many are connected to devices and their learning reflects that. Instead, they could be outside basking in sunshine, walking near trees and water, and acquiring a healthy glow in the peace of the outdoors. It can prove quite magical and healing. 

By sharing her love of nature, she emphasizes what is so important about the sun, rivers, mountains, the sky and its clouds, thunder and rain, and on it goes ... 

"Sometimes I feel like a rainbow, 
 cheerful and full of surprise, 
I paint the sky in a spectacular arc, 
making everyone smile.

Ms. Bisaillon created the accompanying artwork using 'soft and wax pastels, cut paper, colored pencils, gouache, charcoal and digital art'. Her characters are diverse, and appreciative of the world they live in. There are many occasions when those sharing the poems can stop and consider the beauty in the art. Because Ms. Daniel is an indigenous writer, is her world view more connected to a love for the land and its many invitations? How can we all make it a point to spend more time outdoors in awe of what it has to offer each and every one of us? How do you feel when you spend time in nature? Are you calmer and more peaceful when you shut down technology and focus on other important things? 

This is a lovely companion to Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox (2015). These poems awaken the senses and encourage readers to think beyond themselves as they spend time outside their comfort zone. Their awareness is increased, their feelings enhanced, and their connections strengthened. 

It ends with "A Mindful Walk or Roll" to help children see what there is to be seen, and felt, and heard. It helps every reader feel part of something bigger and more important. An author's note follows to remind readers we are connected to the natural world and to each other. It is a worthy pursuit. 

"We are made of rainbows and rivers, 
and they are made of us.

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