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Monday, February 13, 2023

They're Heroes Too: A Celebrarion of Community, written by Pat Brisson and illustrated by Anait Semirdzhyan. Tilbury House Books, Fitzhenry and Whiteside. 2022. $24.95 ages 4 and up

"The heroes in their great big trucks, 
who take our trash away; 
the driver of our school bus 
who greets us every day.

Heroes bring our mail to us. 
They work at cutting hair.

As the epidemic kept so many inside for the first year, we all counted on heroes for the work they were doing to keep us safe, allay our fears, and provide the services needed that we could not do for ourselves. In the past two years, we have returned to a more normal life and have often forgotten the work done by the people who make our community a better place to be. 

In schools there was a time when we celebrated all those community workers who make life better. Pat Brisson reminds us that there are heroes among us at every turn. They don't resemble Superman or Batman, they don't perform extraordinary feats of strength, and they too often don't really sense the  appreciation that we feel for the work they do day in and day out. It's easy to forget about them when we don't cross paths. But they are there, and they are making a difference for each one of us in one way or another. 

These heroes show the world they care by the work they do. It might be feeding food scraps to hungry animals. They teach in our schools, and make sure that children are safe when crossing streets. They take care of us when we are sick, and serve us when we are hungry. What would we do without them? We need to think about that. Watching a little girl and her caregiver make their way through their community, readers will note the many people whose jobs make them real heroes to each of us. 

Don't forget that kids can be heroes, too. What have you done today to make your world a better, kinder place? 

You be there for me. 
and I’ll be there for you.

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