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Thursday, October 28, 2021

My City Speaks, written by Darren Lebeuf and illustrated by Ashley Barron. Kids Can Press, 2021. $19.99 ages 3 and up


"My city grows. 

My city is busy 
             and relaxed. 

My city plays 
              and works. 

It walks and runs and climbs and slides."

A young girl and her father explore their city with great joy. They love its streets, noises, movement, smells, and the feelings it evokes as they journey together through their eventful day. There is constant activity as they travel its streets, a community garden, a construction site, a park bench, and a busy playground. 

There are smells (not always pleasant), tastes (sometimes sweet), rain showers, subway travel, and music to enjoy. That music is provided by the young visually-impaired child whose company young readers have enjoyed every step of her day. As she finishes her concert, her father provides hugs and great pride. She wonders what might be said of her performance the next day. 

Astute observers will note from the brightly-colored collage on the front cover that the young narrator is visually impaired. She carries a white cane as she walks beside her father. As they walk, readers are made aware that she senses the city scenes through smell, touch, and sound. 

"My city speaks with hasty honks,
impatient beeps, distant chimes, 
reliable rumbles, speedy sirens and 
urgent clangs.

The language is specific and appealing. Ashley Barron creates detailed visuals that match the text perfectly, showing the warm bond between father and daughter as they explore their city on a day's outing. This is a rich celebration of an urban environment! 

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