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Friday, November 20, 2020

The Couch Potato, written by Jory John and illustrated by Pete Oswald. Harper, 2020. $23.99 ages 4 and up


"Oh, and this! Check it out. This button activates a 
gadget that fetches me snacks whenever I want. 

Bam! Impressed? And I don't have to move an inch.
easier than going to the kitchen.

Following up on the huge success of previous stories in this series of books (The Bad Seed (2017), The Good Egg (2018), and The Cool Bean (2019)), this new book describes the way many of us must be feeling with all that is going on in the world today. Never have I felt more like someone glued to television shows, comfort food, and lazing about! 

This potato seems perfectly content with the many comforts of a lazy life. Keeping every single thing within reach brings ultimate joy. There are television shows to delight, video games to demand attention, and friends to visit on a variety of platforms. Why move at all? Even electronic gloved hands that reach all the way to the kitchen are part of the appeal of staying put. 

Oh, dear. What happens if there is no electricity to power the many machines needed to occasion this slothful lifestyle? Our potato deals by taking the dog for a walk ... in the outdoors. What wonder awaits! There is much to see and experience as the feeling for healthy freedom grows. 

Its conversational tone and well-chosen humor invite readers inside the book, and provides a thoughtful take on what balance in daily life could be. Pete Oswald's artwork is filled with warmth, humor and spirit, leaving readers with much to consider. 

Might there be life beyond the constraints of screen time? One thinks it might be so! 

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