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Saturday, February 16, 2019

HOW TO BE A LION, by Ed Vere. Doubleday Books for Young Readers, Penguin Random House. 2018. $23.99 ages 4 and up

"The world is full of ideas.

Big ones,
small ones.
Good ones,
bad ones.

Some think this ...

    others think that ... "

It has been said that there is only one way to be a lion. Do you think that is true?

If you think that all lions are fierce, you haven't yet met Leonard. He will change your mind about the preconceived notions you have concerning lions and their behaviors. There are many things Leonard loves to do that do not fit the mold generally attributed to the 'king of the jungle': Leonard loves having the sun warm his back, taking time to think, humming a new song, and thinking poetic thoughts.

In fact, should Leonard meet a duck, many think that would be the end for said duck. But, they don't know Leonard and they haven't met Marianne. Marianne is a perfect companion for Leonard. They are both poetic, They like to lie in the sun. They like to play together, and to take long walks while conversing about all manner of things.

"At night they watched for shooting stars,
and made wishes if they saw them.
"Do you think the universe has edges?'
quacked Marianne.
"If it doesn't," said Leonard,
"will we fall out?"

Together they are happy.
They wish for nothing more than this."

Coming upon a pride of angry lions demanding more appropriate behavior from one of their own has Leonard questioning his better instincts, and Marianne quaking in fear. In time, Marianne helps him design a poem that Leonard is brave enough to share with the other lions.

I guarantee you will be impressed by it.

The two friends are the focus for this thoughtful tale, appearing happy together on warm and unencumbered backgrounds.  They prove that being a lion, and being a friend is a worthy pursuit.

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