"Howdy, you can count on us.
Morning, evening, I'm your bus.
Sweepers sweeping, bakers baking.
Dawn is barely even breaking.
Time for buses to be waking!"
If you have ever found yourself wondering about the day in the life of a school bus, wonder no more! Marilyn Singer has written a wonderful account of just that. Each bus seems dewy-eyed to be charged with picking up, and transporting its children to the safety of their schools. As the buses make their way along the streets they stick to the rules of the road and arrive at their destination with a smile and a sign that encourages their charges to have a nice day. Once the children have disembarked, it is up to the buses to keep everything left behind safe until the return trip. Generally, they spend quiet hours anxiously anticipating that end of the day trip. They love that the kids depend on them for friendly, safe service, day in and day out. When the day is done the buses return to the compound to get the sleep needed for the next day's work.
What fun this book is...for those who ride the bus and those who don't! It's a great readaloud and a perfect book for young readers wanting to hear rhyming language, repetitive text and look at fun-filled illustrations.
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