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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Being Home, written by Traci Sorell and illustrated by Michaela Goade. Kokila, Penguin Random House. 2024. $24.99 ages 5 and up


"Etsi says we're on a new path. 
One that leads us to
our ancestors' land
and to our people. 
I'm ready.

The young Indigenous narrator is quick to share her feelings about living in the city. She doesn't like the noise, the rush, the chaos of too many people in one place. It's getting busier with more people, and has less of the natural landscape that she loves. She misses her family who live too far from where she is. 

Not to worry much longer. Moving day is here, and she and her mother are leaving. She says goodbye to house, tree and swing. The time has come to change their tempo. (I love that image!) Mama (Etsi) is as happy as her daughter to be moving back home to family. 

As they go, the child makes a drawing of their route in her notebook and asks the inevitable question: Are we there yet? Very soon, they are! They are met by family members who welcome them with open arms and a willingness to get their belongings inside before settling in for a family picnic, time to explore, a visit with familiar animals, and added time to play together. What joy for all! 

"No more faraway family. 
Close enough to gather, eat, 
laugh, dance, and share.

Being home is something very special for everyone involved. So lovely! 

Michaela Goade used 'watercolor, colored pencils, pencil, gouache and digital techniques' for the brilliant artwork that gives further meaning to Ms. Sorell's meaningful text. She makes the transition from the urban landscape to the friendly happiness of a more natural environment in colors that glow with life. The pages from the child's notebook are a perfect representation of all she anticipates as they travel nearer and nearer to their new home.   

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