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Friday, April 19, 2024

I Want 100 Dogs, written by Stacy McAnulty and illustrated by Claire Keane. Chronicle Books, Raincoast. 2023. $24.99 ages 3 and up


"Maybe 50 dogs. 

How would you train 
50 dogs? 




The story starts with a huge ask: "I want 100 dogs." Her parents grimace while asking to see where all those dogs might sleep. The little one has an answer, as improbable as it might be.The child reduces the number by 10 each time she makes a new request. Each time the parents offer am answer that is cause for further thought. Her parents admit it might be interesting, but they do have a question about the enormity of the numbers presented ... 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10.

"Okay then, I just want 10 dogs. 

How would you clean up after 10 dogs
when they go number 2? 

You mean I'd have to ...


Finally, she resorts to realism, asking for just 1 dog. Her parents are delighted they have avoided catastrophe. Who is smarter in this battle for a much-desired companion? I wonder.   

Digital, detailed illustrations evoke the humor found in the requests and responses. The parents are attentive to the child's wishes and carefully consider the scenarios that would fill their house, pool, yard and life should they fall prey to the demands for an exorbitant number of puppies. The accompanying artwork is filled with humorous expression as each number is considered and dismissed. 

So much fun to read. I read it yesterday to a group of kindergarten and grade two children. They were both attentive and entertained by the idea of such a request and had lots of comments to share. Their many smiles said it all!                                                                                   

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