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Sunday, December 6, 2020

We Learn from the Sun, written by David Bouchard and illustrated by Kristy Cameron. Medicine Wheel Education. Publishers Group Canada. 2020. $22.99 ages 4 and up


"When the Sun's South we see
We have gifts, you and me.

We're unique, every one. 
We learn that from the Sun.

In his newest book, David Bouchard creates a poem meant for young readers. It originates from his best-selling Seven Sacred Teachings (MTW, 2009), a book that offers a hopeful look at traditional values and the future. 

David reminds his readers that there is much to be learned from the sun. The seven sacred teachings are important and inspiring. They lift the spirit, and help readers understand what the sun teaches. To look to each direction offers lessons of importance for all. 

As she did in the earlier book, Kristy Cameron creates rich, colorful artwork in response to nature and the movement of the sun to all directions. They afford much appeal to the children for whom this book has been written. 

It presents a valuable lesson for each of us concerning indigenous teachings, and would be a worthy addition to all school and classroom libraries.

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