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Monday, December 7, 2020

Bruce's Big Storm, written and illustrated by Ryan T. Higgins. Disney-Hyperion, Hachette. 2019. $$18.99 ages 4 and up


"It had been quite 
the adventure. 

Everyone take one of 
Bruce's clean towels. 

Bruce did not like adventures."

Oh, Bruce! It's great to see you again, despite your never-ending grumpiness. In this newest addition to the Bruce catalogue (that started with Mother Bruce), we see previous events have done little to improve his curmudgeonly take on life. Some things just never change, and that is good. Bruce has been entertaining young readers for the past five years. 

There's a big storm coming! As readers might expect, Bruce wants to be alone to read and to wait out the weather. The four geese who adopted him as goslings, the three mice who took up residence with him despite his obvious displeasure, and the many animal neighbors who look to him as leader, are not likely to let that happen. They have their own reasons for wanting to be at Bruce's house: fear, camaraderie, games, a pajama party. Together they gather. 

Oh, no! One neighbor has not made it to safety. Bruce feigns indifference. Tiny mouse Nibbs makes the decision to take an umbrella and bring the baby rabbit in. The storm proves too much. Soon, the tiny rodent is flying through the air, attached to Bruce's favorite umbrella. Good luck has him landing in the rabbit's path. The two small beings cannot control the umbrella. Up they go! Bruce attempts a rescue. It does not go well. 

What will it take to bring the three to safety, and what will happen next? There are complications ... and finally a happy ending. For Bruce? Readers will know the answer to that. 

As he has done in each of the Bruce books, Ryan Higgins fills the pages with characters and detailed scenes sure to make even the grumpiest adult smile as they read this book again and again to their favorite listeners. Kids will love that they are meeting up with familiar characters once more: they will also welcome the new arrivals. Can you think of a better 'den mother' than Bruce? I cannot. 

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