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Saturday, December 5, 2020

EEK! Written by Julie Larios and illustrated Julie Paschkis. Peachtrre, Fitzhenry & Whiteside. 2020. $22.99 ages 2 and up


"This busy mouse is 
definitely on a mission,
but where is he going?

I have seen and purchased many alphabet books. It is ever-surprising that new ones are being written in highly ingenious ways! May I present this book filled with animals, both wild and domestic, that embark on an action-filled and very NOISY adventure.  

A mouse picks a flower which activates its allergies, and starts readers off with a loud achoo. The sneeze dislodges a bee from within the flower's petals, making it go buzzing away. Each turn of the page presents a new addition to the cacophony of sounds that will have young ones imitating all with great pleasure, and the ability to use a new word when the book ends - onomatopoeia! 

Action is plentiful, each affording a reaction. The story moves from a meadow to a laneway, from chaos to contentment, from happy circumstance to new disaster, finally ending with a gift and a much appreciated rest. It is the mouse's story, with various animals adding drama, humor, and energetic noise. There are surprises everywhere, much to the delight of attentive readers. Illustrations are filled with movement, bold colors, and energy. Visual storytelling abounds as readers move from one page to the next, ending with a lovely surprise. 

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