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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

I DON'T CARE, written by julie fogliano and illustrated by molly idle and juana martinez-neal. Neal Porter Books, Holiday House. Penguin Random House. 2022. $24.99 ages 4 and up


"and i really do care
that mostly you share  
and want to hold hands 
when we're spinning 

and i care if you wish 
and i care if you sing
and i care if you like to lean back when you swing

It's hard to do justice to this very special book about the friendship between two young girls. It needs to be read to be truly appreciated for its brilliant message about the true meaning of being a friend. I just want to call you all together and read it to you. That way you would see what a treasure it is. It begs to be read again and again - and I'm sure it will be! 

We see them first on the title page, clad in rubber boots. One has a bandage on her leg, the other has bruised knees. They are standing back-to-back. Turn the page and readers are sensitive to irritable faces and crossed arms. The words speak to what each doesn't care about: appreciating the boots or liking the clothes. They continue along those same lines, until they begin to look toward each other. 

A shy smile on each face completely changes the tone for their continued 'i don't care's. Suddenly, it reads as a friendlier way to think about the other one. Soon, they are holding hands and laughing together. They are now listing all the reasons that they really do care. 

"but I really do care
that you always play fair
and don't change the rules
when i'm winning,"

The two artists who grace the pages of this book with quiet and lovely images are dear friends, each taking responsibility for creating one of the characters. The pitch perfect text and gorgeous illustrations ensure that this book will be read many times - each time it is sure to delight both readers and listeners. Not really caring about what can be seen, the two absolutely care about what's in each one's heart for the other. 

"but mostly i care that you’re you 
 and i'm me
 and i care that we’re us
and i care that we’re we

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