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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Beti and the Little Round House, written by Atinuke and illustrated by Emily Hughes. Candlewick, Penguin Random House. 2024. $24.99 ages 7 and up


"The little path runs between the woods and 
the hayfields, where the sun is burning and 
blazing like a white-hot star. Now Beti and 
her friends are not only hot, they are sweaty

A million trillion insects are singing loudly 
and happily in the hay. The horses stand 
head to tail, whisking the biting horseflies 
from one another's faces.

Atinuke explains in an author's note before this novel begins that she started life in Lagos, Nigeria. When she grew up and had her own son, they lived in a roundhouse made of straw and clay in Wales. She tells readers that should they want to live in such a house, there are how-to books to help with the building. 

"People all over the world live simply on 
the land - whether they embrace modern
ways or prefer to follow more traditional 

Beti lives with Mam, Tad and baby Jac in the woods in just such a house. Built by her parents, it keeps the family warm and happy in all seasons. They are not alone. Others live there in their own small houses, along with animals, insects, and birds. Four seasons comprise Beti's story, beginning in spring. It's time to celebrate Beti's birthday. She loves to help with all preparations. Mam asks her to go and pick flowers to decorate the cake; Tad suggests salad pickings. Off she goes!

Once everything is ready, Beti rushes off to greet her guests and Tad, who is returning with a very special gift. It's a goat so Beti can have her favorite beverage every day ... milk. Along with the goat comes a tiny baby who stirs up all kinds of trouble as the party progresses and ends up being given the name Naughty. Beti goes to bed angry about the goats and wishing for them to just go away. When the little one disappears, the family searches in vain to find her. Leave it to that tiny goat to wend its way into Beti's heart. 

The following tales are told through the other three seasons. In summer, when the family's water jar must be filled every day, Beti and her friends find a way to work together to refill it after an unfortunate accident dumps the contents. Their nature-filled surroundings keep them entertained, and the waterfall keeps them cool as they make their way back and forth to ensure the family has the water it needs. It's a long and busy day, with lunch in between the many trips made by all. 

Sleep comes easily after such a terribly busy day. 

"She giggles again thinking of her and Lily and Billy 
and Blue being fairies. Beti is sure she has the best 
friends in the whole world. She would never have 
filled the water jar without them. Beti's eyes droop. 
She feels herself sink into sleepiness.

Autumn and winter are spent picking berries, dealing with a raging storm, then followed by winter illness, Tad's time away from home, and Beti caring for the animals. Mam and Tad are there for her when she really needs their help. 

What a lovely community of caring friends and neighbors! Readers will be captivated by the family's way of living, without technology or modern conveniences. Rather, they live off the land and with support from everyone around them. It's a lovely, much-appreciated life, accompanied by Emily Hughes warm and detailed artwork. 

This will surely be one of our summer reads in July!  

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