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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Pokko and The Drum, written and illustrated by Matthew Forsythe. Simon & Schuster for Young Readers. 2019. $23.99 ages 4 and up


"Pokko started tapping on her drum 

just to keep herself company. 

But something stirred behind her. 

A raccoon playing a banjo started 

following her. 

So Pokko hit her drum louder."

I am late to this party, I am so happy to be here now. Pokko's tale is a very special one, finding many fans for its upbeat family story. Pokko has wonderful, though fallible, parents. The proof is in the pudding when they gift her with a drum. What are they thinking? 

Pokko loves her drum as all young ones would do. The din she creates in the home has her father quickly suggesting that the outdoors would be much more appropriate for her music. Off the little frog goes into the nearby forest. It is so quiet there - much too quiet for Pokko to feel comfortable. She begins a light tapping meant to keep her company.  

She is soon joined by a raccoon with a banjo; and she beats her drum louder. Next a rabbit with a trumpet tags along. Pokko keeps playing. The wolf that joins them has no musical ability, but loves listening. They march on ... 

When the wolf eats the rabbit, Pokko has something to say. 

"No more eating band members

or you're out of the band."

The wolf apologizes. The band moves on, adding additional members as they go. Everyone is following Pokko, while enjoying the parts they are playing with instruments or not. Just at that moment, Pokko is called to dinner. What a surprise to hear music grow louder and louder outside their door! That is not the only surprise for Pokko's proud parents. 

Read it first without the illustrations; then read it again. What a feast for the eyes the second time through ... full of forest glow, gorgeous fall colors, and a myriad of characters to capture attention. The kids are going to LOVE this one. Oh, and music teachers, too.                                                                                

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