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Thursday, October 1, 2020

Catch That Chicken! Written by Atinuke and illustrated by Angela Brooksbank. Candlewick Press, Penguin Random House. 2020. $22.99 ages 3 and up

"Big brother Bilal 

is brave with bulls. 

But when it comes 

to chickens ... 

Lami is braver."

Life in Lami's Nigerian compound is filled with adventure for the young girl. That's because there are so many chickens, and she loves each and every one of them. Everyone in the village counts on Lami's prowess at nabbing those chickens and keeping them under control. Lami may not be as good as others at certain pursuits; she is definitely the very best at chicken catching. 

One day, her determination to grab hold of a black-and-white chicken leads her into dangerous territory. With everyone cautioning her to 'slow down; (SANNU!), she pays no attention and follows that chicken up into the branches of the huge baobab tree. Lami will NOT give up. Unexpectedly, she loses her balance, slips, and falls. The result is a sprained ankle, and an inability to catch any chickens. To the rescue comes Nana Nadia, who offers sound advice for Lami to use her head rather than her legs to get the job done. Lami considers what her Nana has said, and comes up with her own plan for catching chickens in a fully productive way. 

Angela Brooksbank's splendid mixed media artwork offers a close look at Lami, her chickens, her  family, and her home. She also allows a bird's-eye view of the compound and fills it with people, action and a remarkable setting this warm tale. White space on many of the spreads keeps attention fully focused on the chicken chaser - her braided hair, blue jeans, bright shirt and neon green flip-flops. Other scenes show the huge baobab and the role it plays in the community. Superb!

The beauty of the people, their home and their daily activties assure a very special read aloud experience for young children. 

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