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Saturday, July 11, 2020

William's Getaway, written by Annika Dunklee and illustrated by Yong Ling Kang. Owlbooks, 2020/ $18.95 ages 3 and up

"William wanted some time
by himself.
All by himself.

And the only place for William
to get that was ...

In his hot-air balloon.

William loved his hot-air balloon.
He loved being up high, looking
down at the world."

No matter how much one loves a younger sibling ... there are days! Need I say more?

Edgar is the younger brother. Edgar loves being with William. He wants to play with him all the time. William does his best to be patient. Then comes a day! No matter what Edgar suggests, William is NOT interested. He just wants to be alone.

Knowing that his little brother is scared to climb up into the balloon, William assures himself of peace and quiet. When Mom reassures Edgar that he will be fine riding along with his big brother, Edgar expresses a keen interest in climbing aboard. But, first ...

Edgar needs a lunch, and a water bottle. All the while, William is sure Edgar will chicken out. As he waits, Edgar finds a jacket to keep him warm and a toy in case of boredom. To say William is frustrated would be an understatement.

"Edgar was finally about to start up the ladder when ...

"What if ... what if .... I get scared, William?"


With William's quiet and patient reassurance, Edgat is able to climb the ladder on his own, with no props. All he really needs is his brother's quiet voice and extended hand.

Yong Ling Kang chooses watercolor-and-colored-pencils for the artwork that accompanies this heartwarming family story. The images attract and inform readers about the power of a child's imagination. The house's interior is transformed into another world to explore. The bunk bed becomes a world to share.

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