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Friday, July 10, 2020

Federico and the Wolf, written by Rebecca J. Gomez and illustrated by Elisa Chavarri. Clarion Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Raincoast. 2020. $723.99 ages 4 and up

"He filled the basket on his bike
with romas, herbs, and limes,
jalapenos, onions,
and a peck of Anaheims.

He added garlic, pickles, bread,
and other market goods,
then pedaled through the city park
and deep into the woods."

While teaching, I loved to read new versions of old fairy tales. This charming tale is a Mexican-American retelling of the Red Riding Story, with a twist. Federico is tasked with making a trip to the market to find each of the ingredients on his Abuelo's grocery list. It is an important job and Federico takes it seriously. He happily gathers every item on the list and is ready to travel on to his grandfather's shop (la tienda). 

He isn't far along the path when a fallen branch stops him - and a wolf asks him to share the goods in his basket. Rico refuses to be interrupted, as his mission is clear. 'Un lobo' is wily, and takes another path. Upon arrival at la tienda Rico is suspicious, then astonished at what he sees.

"Abuelo?" whispered Federico,
pulling off his hood.

"Yes, it's me, but I can't see.
Come closer, if you would."

"Ay! I think you need a shave.
Your beard has grown so thick!"

"You think so?" said el lobo.
"Steady grooming does the trick."

Rico makes all the arguments for how different his granfaather looks. El lobo has all the answers, while trying to keep his rising hunger from hastily ending their conversation. As he unloads his basket, Rico proves he can hold his own. Poor el lobo! He definitely has his work cut out for himself if he thinks the young boy will be his next meal. He is sadly mistaken.

Federico has saved the day! After a light lunch, grandfather and grandson prepare a bottle of Wolf's Bane Salsa. 

Photoshop illustrations blaze with the vibrant colors of Mexico. Young readers with a sharp eye will note welcome details. The Spanish vocabulary adds interest, and will be much appreciated by those children who speak the language.

Backmatter includes a recipe for The Perfect Pico, and a challenge to find each of the listed words within the story's text. Pronunciation and translation are also provided.

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