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Friday, June 12, 2020

The Epic Adventures of Huggie and Stick, written by Drew Daywalt and illustrated by David Spencer. Philomel, Penguin Random House. 2018. $23.99 ages 5 and up

"Dear Diary,

Today a giant panda tried to
eat Stick. That's what pandas eat. STICKS! Somehow, Mr. Wood for Brains thought he was gonna get a kiss. I'm not sure why I saved him, but I did. Unfortunately, the BEAR didn't appreciate my taking away his lunch ... "

It's a guess that Reese was like so many other young boys who love action, adventure, and riding bikes. Reese's backpack did not always get the attention it needed when he wanted to be on his bike and moving. On this particular day, he didn't take care to see it was zippered properly. As luck would have it, he hit a bump and two of his treasures - Huggie and Stick - fell out.

It only takes their first diary entries to let readers know exactly how different the two are.

"Dear Diary, 

I love Huggie. He is so cool! 
Today I fell out of Reese's 
backpack and Huggie tried 
to save me ... "

"Dear Diary,

I hate Stick. I really do.
I tried to push him out of the
backpack today, but his pointy
head snagged a loose thread on
my paw ... "

So begins a week-long adventure that takes them to every continent, replete with numerous meetings with people, animals, trains, even the Queen. Every day is a new destination; every day becomes a diary entry concerning one or the other's personal disparate version of those events. Stick remains positive and confident, while Huggie is grumpy and finds fault in each occurrence. The text provides for chuckles while showing readers two totally different perspectives on their time spent together. The art is cartoony, expressive and sure to attract attention to its many details. An endpaper world map plots their global travels.

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