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Sunday, February 2, 2020

Don't Read This Book Before Dinner, by Anna Claybourne. National Geographic Kids, Penguin Random House. 2019. $19.99 ages 9 and up

"Hagfish are famous for their astonishing slimemaking abilities. When a hungry predator tries to grab a hagfish in its mouth, it will suddenly find the fish is covered in thick, gloopy, supremely sticky slime. It's hard for the hunter to hang on when it has a mouth full of slippery goop. If it's a shark or other fish, the slime can clog its gills and stop it from breathing. The predator soon lets go of the hagfish - "

The subtitle for this 'sure to please' book states that it tells 'Revolting Tales of FOUL FOOD, ICKY ANIMALS, HORRIBLE HISTORY, and More. And, it does exactly that. So, you know it's sure to be a popular title for many kids in classrooms, school libraries, and even at home. Reading and sharing it will up the gross meter by leaps and bounds. You know they love being grossed out by stuff they read.

As with all worthwhile information books this begins with a comprehensive table contents that allows readers an early chance to take a look at what is included and what looks most interesting to them. A four page introduction is followed by similar chapters that concern toilets, cockroaches, dinner, doo-doo, records and habits.

This section is followed by a two page spread inviting readers to take a quiz before moving on to the next part of the book. Thirty chapters in all, and five quizzes will provide all interested readers with what they need to know about the truly gross, including some truly repulsive information about nails, of all things.

"Fingernails harbor dangerous germs, like salmonella, which
causes food poisoning. Not to mention other really gross things
like parasitic worm eggs and tiny skin creepy-crawlies such as
mites. That's why people wear disposable gloves to prepare food
in factories and to carry out surgery."

And, the reasons given for not biting your nails are enough to make you quit immediately.

The photos are amazing, as we have come to expect from this fine publisher. The quizzes are worth doing, and often funny as well. The title and cover say it all. If readers are brave enough to venture inside, they are not likely to be sorry.

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