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Thursday, December 5, 2019

I Love My Glam-MA, written by Samantha Berger and illustrated by Sujean Rim. Orchard Books, Scholastic. 2019. $23.99 ages 3 and up

"Glam- MAS
don't just celebrate
holidays ...

they celebrate everything!

Glam-MAS don't just
carry a purse ...

they carry a treasure chest!"

My granddaughters will NEVER call me a Glam-MA! I do not have the style of many of the  grandmothers introduced in this delightful homage. We are called many names ... mine does not make the list, but I an pretty sure the two of them will be happy to share this book with me just the same.

"Everyone knows grandmothers go by many names: Grandma, Granny, Gigi, Mom-Mom, Yaya, Meemaw, Nana, Gram, Abuela, Bubbe, Oma, and Big Mama G. But MAYBE they should really be called "Glam-MA." Because Grandmas are some of the most glamorous people you're ever gonna meet."

I am Nona, and no spoken word sounds better to me than that one. I try to do some of the things that the grandmas here do. Celebrating the wonders of grandchildren is the best job in the world. The watercolor and collage portraits created by Sujean Rim spectacularly match the fun of Samantha Berger's amusing text.  The many joys of time spent together include gifts, dress-up, long walks, even siestas and fiestas. Mindset is everything and it shows on every page.

That author offers up suggestions that will remind children of the things they do with their own beloved grandmothers. The age, style, and hair color may vary from one grandma to the next; the love and great happiness children feel for them is evident, no matter the activity they experience together. 


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