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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

One is a Lot (Except When It's Not). Written by Moun Thi Van and illustrated by Pierre Pratt. Kids Can Press, 2019. $18.99 ages 3 and up

"1 dog is a lot.

1 squirrel is a lot.

1 bicycle is a lot.

But 0 is just right.

1 key is a lot.

1 ride is a lot."

What a captivating story this is. It begins near a sunlit pond where ducks are swimming. A little girl and her dog are visiting. She has only two breadcrumbs. There are five ducklings and their mama; it is clearly not 'emough'. In fact, it is a 'little'. Is 1 better than nothing? It is ... when you are talking about the sun. One sun has people all over the park searching for shade as they spend time visiting, walking, reading, walking their dogs.

Each turn of the page offers a concise sentence that begins with 0, 1, or 2. Each illustration provides clear connections to the story being told. While young readers will concentrate on the concepts of a lot, a little, enough and not enough the first time they read it, a second visit will allow attention paid to the whole of the story being told.

The girl, her dog and the ducks are soon replaced by a boy, his dog, a squirrel, and an oak tree. Their paths cross - literally - while trying to contain the two exuberant, squirrel-chasing pups.  A friendship grows during a rainstorm. They share an umbrella, and a ball when the rain stops. The pups play. An acorn finds what in needs for growth in a rain puddle. Their future is sealed.

Variety in perspective, appealing artwork, humor in the details, and a fascinating premise for an early concept book. Well done!

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