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Monday, May 20, 2019

Like a Lizard, written by April Pulley Sayre and illustrated by Stephanie Laberis. Boyds Mills Press, Highlights. 2019. $23.95 ages 3 and up

"Can you run
like a lizard?

Sun like a

Bob your head
like a lizard?

One, two!"

I see more and more families outside as the days warm, and nature begs our attention. In yards there are birds building nests, rabbits munching on an exploding dandelion population, and grass beginning to green. Soccer fields are beckoning, and birdsong fills the air. It's lovely to sit here at my computer, windows open and enjoying these spring sounds and the warmth of the breeze.

Kids love books about natural species that include movement and imagination. In this new book that focuses on lizards, their behaviors, their many types, and the way they move, Ms. Sayre invites her readers to try their hand at the many ways lizards avoid predators, move from place to place, attract a mate, and find food.

The language is rhythmic, and informative. The digital media artwork provides natural settings and realistic images of the many lizards presented. Each is captioned with its familiar name. There are 28 species from around the world and presented in spreads that clearly show the ways in which they move, their variation in size, color, and surroundings.

Back matter offers further information about all lizards, as well a bit more about each of the lizards featured here. The movement verb is the heading, the information provided includes the common and scientific name of each, their geographic placement, and their size. Further to that, a short paragraph follows.

Greater short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma hernandesi)
Canada, western United States, and Mexico
Length: 6 inches ( 15 centimeters)
This wide, flat lizard is found at high altitudes. On the back of its head are horns.
When threatened, this lizard may puff up its body, hiss, and squirt blood out of its eyes."


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