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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Dandy, written by Ame Dyckman and illustrated by Charles Santoso. Little Brown and Company, Hachette. 2019. $23.49 ages 4 and up


It'll take over your yard!

The neighborhood! 

You KNOW what you have 
to do. 


Daddy did."

It is very difficult right now not to be consumed by an urge to get outside with some kind of weed killer and spray, spray, spray. Dandelions are popping up everywhere. On this windy day, their seeds are floating on the air from place to place, sure to find an appropriate spot to land and germinate. We will see them again in the fall.

I wish I loved them the way children love them. Sweetie's dad is feeling the same way I am. He is conflicted. His neighbors are adamant that he do what he needs to do to get rid of the lone weed poking its head up in the middle of his very pristine lawn. Before he can do anything about it, Sweetie has taken it under her wing, watering it and calling it Charlotte.

What is a daddy to do when his neighbors notice and start complaining? Readers can see that he does his very best to get rid of it whenever Charlotte is otherwise occupied. By the time he gets the shovel, she has taken her book outside to read to her new best friend. Nap time is no different, and neither is snack time. Neighbors notice, and are not pleased. Sweetie is unaware!

When the perfect opportunity presents itself, will he be able to destroy Charlotte? What do you think? 

Charles Santoso's digital artwork is topped with handmade pencil textures. Each spread is filled with all the drama you would expect when a parent and child have opposing views of something. Readers will enjoy the surprising implements used when Daddy attempts to rid his yard of that one pesky weed. The changes from front to rear endpapers are sure to spark conversation. Wildly funny, and full of heart ... this book is perfect for 'right now!'

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