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Saturday, January 5, 2019

There Are No Bears in This Bakery, written and illustrated by Julia Sarcone-Roach. Alfred A. Knopf, Penguin Random House, 2019. $23.99 ages 4 and up

"I slipped into the darkness
like icing melting down a
hot cake.
Inside, I listened for clues.
Maybe it was a mouse.
Mice love sprinkles.
And that is when I saw it.
It was the biggest mouse ... "

Here's another bear book ... and a mystery! Does that you remind you of this author's previous book, The Bear Ate Your Sandwich (Knopf, 2015)? It should. If you haven't had a chance yet to read that book, get thee to a library or bookstore. You won't be sorry to take it home and read it to your kids.

Muffin narrates this new tale, as an observer of the neighborhood and assures there are no bears in the bakery. Muffin identifies each new sound, and is proud of that talent. Then, one night ...

"Last night, after the sun
rolled off the edge of the sky,
a mysterious new sound
rumbled over the windowsill.


I stepped out to investigate."

No sounds outside near the bakery. Investigation requires an open window and a brave heart. What Muffin thinks might be the biggest mouse ever seen turns out to be the littlest bear ever encountered. Its presence is as surprising as Muffin's discovery. Loud hungry tummy growls alert Muffin to the real problem, and a solution. They are in a bakery, after all!

That first revelation is not the last for the evening. Case closed.

The witty storytelling is filled with charm and humor. The blue-black darkness adds just the hint of light needed for young readers to fully understand what is going on here. You don't want to miss it!

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