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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Other Dog, written by Madeleine L'Engle and illustrated by Christine Davenier. Chronicle Books, Raincoast. 2018. $22.99 ages 5 and up

"I have beauty, wit, and charm.
I have been on the stage.
I am very talented.

And, until this other dog
was brought into our home
(without warning),
my master and mistress
seemed perfectly happy
with me."

An introduction by her granddaughter reveals Ms. L'Engle's love for both cats and dogs. She did, however, have a special place in her heart for Touche, her very first pet. In an author's note following the text, Ms. L'Engle tells readers that she began sketching life with Touche following the birth of her first child, and wrote this first (and only) picture book about their life. It was not accepted for publication until 2001, and has been reissued this year by Chronicle Books.

Touche is given voice to help readers understand the complete disruption in life when the 'other dog' arrives. Touche has always been the star of the show, coming from a theater background and having proven herself refined and stylish ... all the family really needed to be complete. This 'other dog' elicits feelings of anxiety and disappointment.

"If you ask me, this was a great waste of money.
Dogs are expensive to feed and clothe,
and one dog is enough for any family.
I fail to see why I did not satisfy all requirements."

The continuing lament So why another dog? is sure to evoke a giggle or two. There are many things that Touche can do that this new family member cannot. In the end, Touche realizes there is little to be done. The other dog is there, and that's that. Her acceptance is reluctant, following many humorous observations for all the trouble and work the little one provokes. As Jo grows, she exhibits signs of being very interested in Touche ... and that sits well.

"I must admit, though, that in our few conversations
she's been most interested in everything I've had to say -
which is, I think, a definitely encouraging
sign of intelligence."

The retro look of Ms. Davenier's loose watercolor illustrations add context for the humorous text, and give it a classic feel. Endearing and memorable, this is sure to become a favorite book for sharing.

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