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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

New Shoes, written and illustrated by Chris Raschka. Greenwillow, Harper. 2018. $21.99 ages 1 and up

"Let's go
to the

A man
off my

Getting new shoes can be a trial for little ones. In this new book, Chris Raschka does what he does so well. He gives voice to the child who is growing up, and whose old shoes must be replaced. The perspective is wonderful. Readers see nothing but legs, knees, feet and toes as the story plays itself out. Oh, and shoes!

Mommy helps with socks and shoes. The child notes the holes on top and bottom that spur a visit to the shoe store. The feet are measured, the choice is difficult; the first pair is 'pinchy' and the second pair 'comfy'. Those are perfect! The only thing left to do is show them to a friend.

As he does often, Chris Raschka sees (and allows his readers to see) the celebration inherent in what might seem to be a very small moment in a toddler's life. Instead, he shows it as a time of growth and independence. The bright colored washes of watercolor and gouache fill the pages and the short sentences displayed in bold white font will encourage multiple readings, and are just right for children learning to read independently.

A charming celebration of a very important occasion in the life of a young child.

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