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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

We Are Brothers, written by Yves Nadon and illustrated by Jean Claverie. Creative Editions, Raincoast. $24.99 ages 4 and up

"Every summer, at our family's lake house, my big brother and I swim to the rock.

Every year, he jumps off, as I watch and cheer, too afraid to even try.

This morning, while my brother and I were walking to the water, he told me it was time. I was big enough. "It's your turn now." Not now, I thought."

As we celebrate the arrival of spring, I have two books that I would like to tell you about today. Both speak to the power of nature to impact our days, and our lives.

In the first, two brothers replay a yearly summer event ... the swim to the rock. Each year the older one climbs up and jumps off. The younger cheers him on while he watches from the water below. This year is different. This year, they will both jump.

Off they go. Sure enough, the older one does what he has done every year.

"With force and grace, my
brother had flung himself
into the air. He always 
made everything look so
easy. He is cat. He is bird.
He is fish."

Should he? Could he? Not wanting to show how fearful he truly is, the younger brother climbs a clear path to the top of the rock. Standing there, he is not so sure.

"Breath. Heart. Breath, breath, heart.
My brother's eyes ...


Told with joy and love, and illustrated with wonder, this is a book that is sure to become a favorite read for many. It is a story that has courage, love and family at its heart. One brother's belief in the other gives the confidence needed to overcome fear and take that plunge.

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