"Granted, I was only a plain old ordinary pillow tooth plucker, but I knew that I had to think of something to help my best friend. And fast. So, I thought and pondered. Pondered and thought. And then I just pondered, pondered, pondered. I pondered so much I was pooped."
Who knew that Bernice Sparklestein, who just happens to be the best fairy godmother anywhere, COULD have a bad wand day? It's almost unfathomable. She couldn't even conjure up some tea to share with her best friend. Could she be 'gone with the wand'? Her history of good deeds was long and legendary. There must be a solution. Try, try again?!? Nope, she didn't have enough 'bippidy left in her to salacadoo one more pumpkin.' What to do? What to do?
You get where I am going. Margie Palatini is a master at using the English language with such hilarity that she has kids rolling in the aisles. Of course, the tooth fairy is distraught and tries her best to encourage Bernice, seeking solutions in old trunks and closets. What about fairy dusting? Oops! The allergies kick in. A snow fairy?
There is so much fun in this tale of familiar and much loved magic. Kids who have experience with fairy tales will recognize the various costumes, the sly references and the just plain fun this author has had in penning the story. The artist is as magical as the story's two main characters, adding little touches that might go unseen but for keen eyes. The artwork varies, using the double page for some and spots for others, while always holding our interest with perspective and genuine feeling for the charmers.
If you are looking for friendship and enchantment to share with your children or students, you won't go wrong reading this book aloud. If you are really lucky, it will lead you to other works by Margie Palatini and even more fun!
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