"My mother had been gone for quite awhile. I turned the radio on again. There was only music. I pushed all the buttons until I found a news station. It had already started. The newsperson was saying, “There is concern for his safety.”
It didn't take me long to read this book. The sentences are short and there is much dialogue; but, it has stayed with me over a number of months since reading it. That is a sure sign to me that it was worth the time, and had some very compelling moments.
Kiki's father works in war zones. As a doctor he is much needed and he sees that he has a responsibility to use his skills to help those in need. Kiki, his young daughter does not hold the same view. She wants her father, and not the worrying about him. Kiki's grandmother is furious with him for being away from his family. Now, on his latest trip, his phone calls have stopped and he cannot be contacted.
Kiki does not want anyone worrying about her as she deals with this latest event in her life. She knows she can't change her father's decision or the way the family is dealing with his missing status. It doesn't take long for her to make a plan that will allow her to keep the odds in her favor. Kiki, while intense and fearful, is ingenious and humorous as well. There is much to talk about while reading, or when finished reading, this powerful little book.
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