"Smelly locker!
Smelly locker!
Never seen
meat so green!"
(sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)
Alan Katz is a master at creating songs for kids to sing about anything that strikes their fancy. In this book, he adds to his repertoire a collection of lyrics focusing on school life and all that happens there. From putrid lockers, to test stress, to homework and hall passes, he provides much humor and fodder for assembly performance with his irreverent and hilarious classroom and hallway hijinks. You are sure to find a favorite here….and you don’t even have to be a great singer to get the kids involved.
My daughter Erin loved sharing songs from Alan Katz's other books with her kindergarten class and they loved them. Copies soon went in their reading folders and they loved to share them with anyone who walked through the classroom doors. Look for Take Me Out of the Bathtub, and others for all-out fun!
I love this author/illustrator pair! I get such a kick out of the songs Katz has written and the hilarious artwork Catrow provides... I have all of the books and am waiting for the newest one out after Christmas!