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Saturday, March 1, 2025

What If Marty Doesn't Like My Party? Written and illustrated by Katie Arthur. Owlkids, 2025. $22.95 ages 6 and up

"But what if the elevator is broken on the day of 
my party and Marty has to walk up all the stairs? 

What if Marty thinks out apartment is too small? 

And our carpet smells like socks?

And our decorations are the worst? 

What if ... what if Marty has no fun at 
my birthday party?

Henry and his older sister, Sam, are on their way home from school when it appears that Henry has something on his mind. When asked about it, he stops talking and the two walk the rest of the way in silence. Mom welcomes them home with hugs and a question about Henry's party invitations. At dinner, the family talks up the upcoming party and Henry's excitement about it. All the while, illustrations show a look of concern on his face. 

Once in bed, all of Henry's concerns about whether his best friend, Marty, will like the party are voiced to Sam. She is so cool, and everyone likes her; they will all want Marty at his party. The what-ifs overwhelm him, while Sam does her best to allay his fears. 

"What if Ketchup 
doesn't slobber 
on Marty? 

What if he does 
that really cute thing
where he uses her lap 
as a pillow?

The questions don't stop; nor do the assurances that things will be all right. Sam finally falls asleep, leaving Henry to consider all they have discussed. Finally, Henry follows suit. The next day party goers arrive with smiles, gifts and a rousing birthday song. Everyone is happy to be there, including Marty! 

Ms. Arthur's warm art is shown in graphic panels that take readers from one scene to the next, one worry to the next, and through the long line of what-ifs both children express. Henry worries, while Sam plays a more positive role with her questions. The childlike rendering of the party in full swing is reassuring and welcome. What a fun book for reading aloud!