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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

On Our Way! What a Day! Written by JaNay Brown-Wood and illustrated by Tamisha Anthony. Nancy Paulsen Books, Penguin Random House.2025. $24.99 ages 3 and up


"Made our way! 
Made our way! 
To celebrate Gram's special day. 

Sure wish we had a gift to share. 
We couldn't find one anywhere.

It's Gram's birthday and her six grandkids are filled with excitement. Phil, Iris, Ivy, Billy, Minty, and Lynette range in age from 4 to 11. As they prepare for their visit, they have a concern for the gift they will give. There's nothing at home; they will have to look for something as they walk to her house. It takes some special observation skills and personal preferences to find a special item to impress their grandmother. 

Phil finds a pine cone to love that has a scritchy-scratchy sound. Once they board the bus, they watch three quarters slide across the floor. Billy grabs those coins, loving their jingly-jangly noise. A sign at Miss Molly's Art Boutique offering free pencils delights Iris with their tippy-tappy tones. On they go, with eyes open for something else Gram might like. 

Minty chooses a megaphone from a parade marching past; Ivy discovers smooth stones in a park stream; Lynette spies a perfect branch falling from a nearby tree. Everyone has something they love that they are quite sure Gram won't want. What else can they do? They are almost at Gram's front door. 

In they go! All those things that bring happiness with all the sounds they make - and a song for their grandmother that makes her smile from ear to ear. It's a perfect celebration. 

"Gram does like the things we found, 
but mostly she LOVES having us around.


This lively book is filled with musicality! The repetitive, poetic tone of the text and Ms. Anthony's digital illustrations offer clues throughout that speaks to the love they all have for it. Posters, jazz records, instruments, whistling, a parade band, and music notes that float freely on every spread give the story its toe-tapping vibe. What fun! 

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