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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

When You Love a Book, written by Kaz Windness and illustrated by Heather Brockman Lee. Flamingo Books, Penguin Random House. 2024. $24.99 ages 4 and up

"A book is a day when it's snowy outside. 
A book is a pigeon who's itching to drive. 

A book is a cookie you give to a mouse.
A book is a dog grown as big as a house.

If you are reading this blog post, I know that reading is very important to you. You you realize the impact that books have on those who read or hear them. The title page shows a group of children embracing a book while surrounded by collaged text and familiar images from children's books. 

The first child shown as the book opens is a baby, who likes to chew on the book he is holding. A turn of the page shows a child amazed by the surprise a book's pages hold. As the author describes the many diverse ways books can be enjoyed, she also mentions some favorite characters readers may recognize. A snowy day, an old woman with a magic pasta pot, a wild one enjoying a hot meal, and a girl in a red hood all have pride of place in the descriptions shared. 

Books help children go to sleep, visit unknown places, feel better and snuggle up for some quiet time. As the story comes to an end, a reader shares the idea that children can also find themselves in the books that are read to them. Books hold a special place in the hearts of those children whose experiences with books allow them to learn about themselves and others. 

"And when you grow bigger, your books grow big, too. 
A book is forever the right size for you."

What a lot little ones have to look forward to when books are their friends from the very beginning! 

Bright collage illustrations add interest and will inspire readers to share what they know about the books included in this ode to books. 

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