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Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Book That Can Read Your Mind, words and pictures by Marianna Coppo. Chronicle Books, Raincoast. 2024. $25.99 ages 5 and up


"Oh, no! 
That's not fair! 

changed places!

Can you please 
tell me which row
they are in now?

Lady Rabbit is quick to let her audience know that they are welcome to the show. She also explains that it's a tough task to make magic in a book. Really, can't any book make magic happen? She sets out to prove that this book can read the mind of its audience. It's because of that magic.

She reveals that with concentration and purpose, she will be able to connect with the audience present and show that what she says is absolutely true. The turn of the page reveals six rows of six audience members and readers are asked to choose just one of the 36. She will need to know what row they are in. Whichever row is chosen, there is an instruction for the reader to go to a certain page to see them again. 

"If they are in this row, 
go to pages 22-23.

During the intermissions, the audience members change places! Obviously, that creates a bit of a dilemma. Not to be deterred, readers are asked to choose again, and move forward as before. With each new turn, the same thing happens, the instructions remain the same, and on they go. 

It takes persistence and a careful response to each of the given instructions. Only then, does she instruct each reader to move 'to page 39'. What? Lady Rabbit has made real magic? She's right!


There's fun in the illustrations, and great fun in the resulting magic. Who could ask for more? I am absolutely sure it will be read again and again!

In an afterword, the author explains the origin of the magic shared. 

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