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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

With Dad, written by Richard Jackson and illustrated by Brian Floca. Neal Porter Books, Holiday House, Penguin Random House. 2024. $25.99 ages 4 and up


"We ate corn kernels
fried in an iron pan
he kept in the Jeep, 
the fish grilled over 
our fire, and two pieces 
of Mom's chocolate 
mousse cake.

Father's Day is on the horizon. I want to share one of my favorite new books celebrating a father and his child. It speaks to the memories Tim has of times spent with his father in 'Michigan country'. The two would head out on a dirt road, child in his father's lap and holding the steering wheel of their Jeep, as they drove for miles together. They were on their way to a campsite. 

Once there, they would build their tent, dig a fire pit and head to the lake to fish. While Dad caught two trout, Tim had so such luck ... until he felt 'a tickle and a tug' as he delightedly caught his own fish. Dad, too, was thrilled! After learning how to gut the fish and leave the innards for a creature of the night, the two settled in for a spectacular supper. 

After a long and eventful day, it was time for a good night's rest. Listening to night noises led them outside the tent to see what the moon could show them. Light talk around the dying embers of their campfire eventually led them back to their tent for the night. 

At this point, the story changes to the present and a winter scene. Inside the warm house, Tim and his mother are now concerned with his dad driving a different Jeep through a war-torn land, while reading his latest letter and hoping for his return home soon. Then, Tim and his dad can continue their camping adventures together. 

A beautifully captured moment in text and art makes this an enduring story to share as a read aloud. Memories soothe spirits and keep our loved ones close no matter when they are.   

 “It was so amazing to see a wriggler wriggling on my own line and to hear Dad whooping with happiness.”                                                                                 


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