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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Squirrel Needs a Break, written by Kristen Remenar and illustrated by Matt Faulkner. Charlesbridge, Penguin Random House. 2024. $21.99 ages 4 and up


"The next morning, Squirrel opened 
his door to find all his friends. 

What's this? 


"We're here to give you a break," 
said Groundhog. "We'll take turns
having fun with the kits," said 
Sparrow, "and we'll each do 
something with you." 

That doesn't sound half bad. 

Matt Faulkner prepares readers for some of what is to come in the artwork presented before the story begins. It isn't even six in the morning when Papa Squirrel's three kits are wide awake and bouncing on his bed. Turn the page; the difficulty inherent in getting teeth brushed before breakfast is evident in his disgust at their behavior. The title page shows all four at the breakfast table. One is wearing a cereal bowl, one is the culprit who put it there, and the third is impatiently waiting for the next spoonful from Papa. It has been a long winter! 

Squirrel is not afraid to let Groundhog have it. He complains that the extra six weeks in the nest was almost the last straw for him. Poor Squirrel! Sparrow, Bear, Hare and Owl are feeling sorry and wanting to help. Each agrees they will give Squirrel a break by taking care of the kits, while someone else does its best to take Squirrel away from it all.  

While Owl takes squirrel out for a meal, Hare attempts to teach the kits to make pancakes. You can likely imagine how that might go. If not, Mr. Faulkner quickly takes the opportunity to show readers exactly what happens. Oh, dear! As each friend passes the kits to the next caregiver, Squirrel finds himself at the spa, doing yoga, and attending a baseball game. 

While the kits are finally with Groundhog, they continue to create chaos and somehow slip away. Squirrel is frantic, and spends time looking all around the forest for them. Bear manages to track them down, and offers an invitation to all to join him in his den. What a surprise for Squirrel! 

This is a wonderful book for Father's Day. I'm sorry I didn't have it in time to share it with you before now. You can put it on your list for next year. It's a terrific readaloud with a message about friendship and community ... and the forest full of animals it takes to provide support for this dedicated dad. 

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