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Monday, April 22, 2024

Listen to the Earth, written and illustrated by Carme Lemniscates. Tilbury House Publishers, Firefly. 2022. $11.95 ages 6 and up


"We can find a balance. 
The Earth whispers the way
to hearts that listen. 

To move the date, we need to 
reduce our global footprint.
We need to use fewer resources,
leaving more for future life, 
and generate less waste so that 
the Earth can absorb what we 
produce. And the good news is 
that we already know how.

This is another call to action, not meant to frighten but to encourage using what we already know to make the changes we need to make for a better future. Using the work done and published by the Global Footprint Network, Ms. Lemniscates presents for her readers the concept of Earth Overshoot Day. 

"the date when human demand since the beginning of the year exceeds what the Earth can produce and absorb in an entire year." In 2022, the date was July 28. I think it's a good guess that the date has changed since then. In fact, last year it was August 2. Would you guess that is has changed again for 2024? 

She explains to her readers that what we are doing right now is sure to affect the future of the planet. We, as a global community, already know many of the ways we can help to move the date. As we have been reminded many times, it begins on a personal level. What we do makes a difference, and may encourage others to follow our lead.  Or, if we see others making changes that we see as possible, we can follow theirs. It has to start somewhere. These are valid and doable actions. To expect the whole world to follow some of the suggestions is more unlikely. But ... 

Artwork is created using watercolor, acrylic, and collage. They help encourage interested listeners to consider how children can help. There are plenty of ideas presented; the planet offers warnings. Will we listen? Worthwhile discussions can surely be the result of sharing this book on Earth Day in hopes that some solutions are within reach for all of us. 

Sidebars are created in relation to Earth Overshoot Day. Back matter offers internet connections to the Global Footprint Network and Project Drawdown, which both make suggestions for change. There is also a compiled list of how making these changes can move the date day by day to a much better future. Very informative and comprehensible. 

Check out for further ideas and information. 

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