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Thursday, September 7, 2023

Bear with me, written and illustrated by Kerascoet. Random House Studio, Penguin Random House. 2023. $25.99 ages 2 and up






With almost no words, this book shares the bond that develops between a baby and a stuffed bear. Every scene from birth forward illustrates constant encounters the two share. Each new page turn shows the child growing older, always in company with the beribboned, cuddly bear. It is played with, read to, swung, slept with and dragged through the grass on outdoor adventures. 

When the time comes for it to be laundered, the child shows distress and shouts "BEAR WITH ME!" Attention is given to watching as it spins in the washing machine window, and it is warmly welcomed back once clean. The bear acts as student to its owner's teaching in preparation for attendance at school; however, in spite of desperate efforts to take it along, the bear is meant to stay home and wait. Mom is adamant. A place is found on a window ledge so it is the last thing seen when leaving home for school. 

The school day is filled with new friends, much excitement, and a certain sense of loneliness at times throughout the day. All the action makes the transition easier. When parents arrive at the end of the day, the prized painting is a portrait of the much-loved bear, still waiting in patient repose for a warm hug when the child returns. Awww! 

There is much to see in the heartwarming ink and watercolor art created by this husband-and-wife team. I would love to hear the conversation shared as the book is read. This is visual storytelling at its best, warm and inviting throughout. 

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