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Tuesday, August 22, 2023

When Rubin Plays, written and illustrated by Gracey Zhang. Orchard Books, Scholastic, 2023. $24.99 ages 4 and up


"Rubin was not alone. 

An audience had gathered silently 
on light paws, their ears sharp and 
alert. Bright yellow eyes followed the
movement of Rubin. 

eeeeeiiiiioo went Rubin's violin."

Rubin loves to listen to the melodic sounds of a small orchestra in his town. As he listens, he feels the music lift him up. His sister plays there every day. When he asks Maestro if he might learn to play, he is given a violin. Oh, the howl that comes from a bow's slide across the strings. His playing is hushed, with advice from the Maestro to practice. 

And practice he does - as quietly as he can so as not to disturb others. He even makes his way into the forest so that he can be alone with his violin. The noise attracts a cat's attention. In fact, there are a number of cats, all howling along with Rubin as he plays. Attending practice, he is given advice from orchestra members in hopes it will make a difference in his playing. 

He returns each night to the forest where he is accompanied by an appreciative audience. When the time comes for a performance for their families and community members, the musicians send beautiful sounds floating above the crowd. His heart singing, Rubin closes his eyes and plays. It is a discordant sound, made more so with the arrival of his forest companions. The louder Rubin plays, the louder the cats howl. Everyone is caught up in 'the whirlwind of Rubin's sound' and entirely charmed by his playing. What joy is found in music from the heart!  

An author's note is telling and enjoyable. 

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