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Saturday, August 5, 2023

SUPERMOMS: Animal Heroes. Written by Heather Lang and Jamie Harper and illustrated by Jamie Harper. Candlewick Press, Penguin Random House. 2023. $23.99 ages 4 and up

"An American alligator's mighty mouth makes 
the perfect super stroller. Mom scoops up her 
hatchlings and shuttles them safely to the water.

Most kids know that their moms really are superheroes - if they think about it seriously. Moms do so much for their kids on a regular basis that it comes to be expected of them. In this book, readers will be astounded at the lengths some animal mothers go to for their young. 

In this first book in an anticipated new series about animal heroes, the authors explore the habits of many of nature's species and how these super moms manage to keep their babies safe from harm and raise them to be independent. There are 18 different animals who inspire the world with their remarkable powers. They are grouped in categories that show their prowess at making a home, making sacrifices to feed their babies, being creative when moving their young from place to place, protecting them from dangers they encounter, and teaching them what they need to know to survive. 

"With powerful instincts and extraordinary skills, 
these moms give their youngsters everything they 
need to go out into the world and thrive.
Every one of them is introduced with relevant text and cartoon illustrations that shows habitat, and also includes speech bubbles that are telling and often humorous from the little ones. A final double-page spread provides a thumbnail of each mother, her superpower, a personal note about where she lives with her family, and a 'guess what?' tidbit of further information. 

"I LIVE in rivers, swamps, and lakes, and 
I EAT fish, turtles, snakes, birds, and small 

GUESS WHAT? I cover my eggs with a giant
mound of vegetation. My nest temperature
determines the gender of my hatchlings!

Back matter provides lists of books for children, online resources, audiovisual resources, and the authors' website addresses for additional resources and activities. 

This is excellent nonfiction for children, presented in a way that informs, holds attention, and invites conversation. Well done!                                                                                


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